Ballet // All Levels

In Ballet, we focus on barre work, stretching and strengthening, center work, and across the floor progressions. Within these exercises, we aim to encourage artistry, musicality, flexibility, strength, and dedication. The curriculum draws on our classical conservatory training, yet is instructed in an engaging way that promotes the joy of movement and creative expression.  Class runs 55 mins unless otherwise noted on schedule

Levels: Ballet 1 (6-7) Ballet 2 (7-8) Ballet 3 and up are by permission

Tap // All Levels

In Tap, we focus on rhythm and musicality in center floor exercises, across the floor progressions, and choreography. This class helps build the dancer’s stamina, musical ear and artistic style. From Broadway tap to Rhythm Tap, we have fun producing clear tap sounds that interpret or mirror the music we are tapping along with. We will also focus on learning choreography and developing performance skills which really boost self confidence! Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)

Hip Hop // All Levels

Get ready to move and groove to the latest music in our Hip Hop classes.  Dancers learn to pop and lock, bounce, wave and body roll. We’ll also be strengthening our muscles with floor work (like coffee-grinder and other breakdancing movements). We will also focus on learning choreography and developing performance skills which really boost self confidence. Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Petite (4-5) Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)

Jazz // All Levels

In Jazz, students will work on improving performance skills and retaining choreography with weekly combinations. Jazz technique layers on ballet including strength building warm-ups, flexibility, isolations, across the floor progressions and choreography.  We will also focus on learning choreography and developing performance skills which really boost self confidence! Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Petite (4-5) Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)

Contemporary and Lyrical // All Levels

Contemporary and Lyrical are styles of dance that draw from modern, jazz and ballet dance genres.  Students will express themselves through movement that is driven by the music and its lyrics in this combination-centered class structure. The expressive curriculum featured in both classes encourages dancers to see the connection between the body, the mind, and the music to which they are dancing. Each week dancers will learn a new combination in focus on both performance and choreography skills.  Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)

Modern // All Levels

This class introduces classical modern dance technique and movement and serves as a platform for creative self expression. We will explore the many influences of modern dance including Graham, Cunningham, Limon, Horton, Release Technique and Contact Improvisation through different works of choreography and across the floor progressions.  This expressive curriculum encourages dancers to see the connection between the body and mind and also learn to collaborate with other classmates in composition projects. Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)

Musical Theatre // All Levels

This class engages the dancer/actor/singer in any student. The class begins with vocal warm ups and voice coaching, then moves on to acting work and improvisation to work on performance skills. The class culminates in a fully choreographed production number for our bi-annual shows showcasing popular broadway shows. Class runs 55 mins

Levels: Mini (6-8) Junior (9-11) Teen (12+) Senior (by permission)


This class is a rotating genre class- each week will feature a new combination in a different style. A short warm-up will begin the class that is aimed at preparing the body for the combination to follow. This class is for advanced dancers who have a solid foundation in most styles of dance.

Levels: Teen/Senior (by permission)